Make Your Own Kind of Moments

I received this picture from somewhere out on the Atlantic Ocean.

It is the itinerary from today’s Delbert McClinton Sandy Beaches Cruise. If you look close enough, you’ll see on the schedule, at 1:00 is The Moment, in Ocean Bar #3, described as “A Service of word, prayer, and song, celebrating the moments that make up our time together. Led by Carol Warren and Etta Britt.”

How many other worship services have you seen where in the same space following is a “Tropical Mixology Class?” It is, after all, Ocean Bar #3.

We started having our Moments north of Nashville on the Britt’s farm, moved into a bar in Nashville, headed south out to Carol Warren’s farm, and then bounced around to a homeless shelter and other places. We found Moments everywhere and everytime we looked.

Genesis 1 says that in the beginning, when God created the earth, God didn’t make a holy mountain to live on or a large cathedral to live in, but a holy moment, a Sabbath, a holy place in time. That’s a moment. Encountering God and others anyplace, anytime, with any and everyone. Thanks be to God. The Lord works in mysterious ways God’s wonders to perform. Rock on.


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