Lenten Devotional: Day 27

I dwell in Possibility

Emily Dickinson
I dwell in Possibility–
A fairer House than Prose–
More numerous of Windows–
Superior–for Doors–
Of Chambers as the Cedars–
Impregnable of Eye–
And for an Everlasting Roof
The Gambrels of the Sky–
Of Visitors–the fairest–
For Occupation–This–
The spreading wide my narrow Hands
To gather Paradise— 

Pray: Turn Me, O God

come to me,
be near me,
with me.
as water
and cleanse me.
as fire
and refine me.
as a spring
and refresh me.
Confront me.
Convert me.
Consecrate me.
Turn my heart,
and my life,
toward Your greater good.