More Deadly than a Murderer or Threatening than ISIS

The real threat:

The FBI reports in 2014, there were 13,741 murders in the United States. In that same period in the United States there were 43,773 suicides. Americans were over 3 times more likely to die at their own hands than from a murderer.

Though the politicians debate the growing threat from Isis, the number of people who have died on American soil since from terrorist activity since September 11, 2001 is 59. The number of Americans who have died abroad from acts of terrorism who were nonmilitary and not in Iran, Iraq, or Afghanistan were 350. 

Children who were abducted by a stranger or someone they only slightly knew in the United States is a small 00.01% though by the time they reach adulthood, 1 in 5 girls and 1 in 20 boys will report being victim of some form of sexual abuse.

Perhaps its time we notice, especially in our families and churches, we are far more danger to ourselves and our children than the outside enemies.

The better way:

Jesus command to love others as we love ourselves, though likely not to get more news coverage, nor mention in a politician’s stump speech,  It’s time we made it more an art in our communities of faith. Jesus’ command  to love others as we love ourselves is not just the hope for ourselves and our families,,, It’s the hope for the world. It is, after all, Jesus way, truth, and path to abundant life for all.